about Us


With over 10 years experience servicing central Nassau County, OCI management maintains a professional, leading edge in property management. Specializing in student and residential housing, with a growing presence in commercial properties, we pride ourselves on providing our clients with a knowledgeable and dedicated staff. Our in-house management team oversees all aspects of our business, from leasing to maintenance, allowing our tenants and owners peace of mind that their needs will be met.


A grassroots organization born and bred in the area that we serve today, OCI Management was founded 12 years ago. Our presence in the student housing, residential, and commercial markets has steadily grown in this time. With a combined 40 years of experience, our current team has found a niche in providing competent property management service. But, that doesn’t stop us from prioritizing improvement; we routinely meet with new professional contacts, attend conferences, and research upcoming innovations in order to enhance our operations.

We pride ourselves on providing clients with efficient, quality service; therefore, our in-house team includes a full-time administrative manager, legal counsel, real estate agents, and maintenance crew. Our hands-on practice is of utmost importance to us to ensure that we satisfy all of our clients’ needs.

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